If Typhoon Yolanda is back



Though thousands starve to death,

another thousands sleep beneath the

roofless homes,

some still dreaming next to the cadavers

of their loved ones,

yet the politicians just sit comfortably

on their luxurious couches,

with a bible on their right hands,

and their left hands accepting bribes.


In the house of congress,

through the senate,

they can still play the game of blame,

even if it is detrimental to the dying victims,

they ignore everything,

but their self interested agenda.


Their eyes are forever close,

could not see those dying children in Leyte,

their ears are perpetually deaf,

could not hear the cries of the wounded mothers in Samar,

their hearts are colder than a block of ice,

could not feel the pain of the fathers who lost their families in Panay,

their hands are always close,

could not give a slice of their Pork-Barrel for those who are suffering in extreme poverty, 


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