If I have no words, I have no voice

Because only words can set in motion what my hearbeat longs to speak

And only words can paint a picture that's painted perfectly unique

Clever rhymes and limerics put feelings into thoughts

And lines with clever timing tug your heartstrings, just watch

When I feel depressed I write the pain out through the ink that's in my pen

I let the sadness run away on pages with no end

When happiness is calling and my smile won't erase

The markings on my journal pages hold the joy so it can't escape

When you read it you can see my soul

I bear it now to you

There is no need for explanation, because I know you know the truth

I write because I must, everything within me longs

Because if I have no words, I have no voice, and everything might come out wrong


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741