If I could be anything...
If I could be anything, what would I be?
That would depend on the world that I see...
Reported global government debt is over fifty-two trillion dollars.
In case you’ve never seen the figure for fifty-two trillion dollars, it looks like this:
I live in a country that is responsible for over seventeen trillion dollars of that debt.
Seventeen trillion dollars looks kind of like this:
*That is roughly 32%, almost one-third, of all the debt in human existence; keep in mind this country is a “global economic superpower” (whatever than means).
This country reports a money supply of approximately eleven trillion dollars.
Something like this:
Only 1.2 trillion dollars of it is physical currency.
Which looks like this:
*This means a vast majority of the money in existence, only exists as a number on a computer screen and has no representative value based on tangible resources.
Right now, one-half to two-thirds of that physical currency is being held overseas.
Leaving three-hundred and ninety six billion to six-hundred billion dollars left in country.
Almost like this:
$396,000,000,000.00 - $600,000,000,000.00
There are over three-hundred and seventeen million people in this country.
According to these statistics, if we divided that physical currency equally among everyone in this country, each person would indefinitely receive something like:
$1,259.21 - $1,892.74
- This is enough money for every person in the United States to have a brand new ultra slim 65 inch LED 1080p 120Hz High Definition television set from Wal-mart or an Elite 4.7 cubic feet High-Efficiency Top-Load Washer and Dryer bundle from Sears.
- The average American home owner makes an average monthly mortgage payment of $1,061 a month for 30 years.
Would you rather have a home for a month or a television for your life?
They cost about the same and you only have enough money to choose one.
Keep in mind:
- The job market is becoming more scarce and the term “Global Resources” refers to a privately owned information technology and engineering consulting company.
- The average cost for implants (breast augmentation surgery) is $3,543.00, whereas the minimal cost for a mastectomy (breast removal surgery often used to prevent the spread of cancer) is approximately $6,000.00, even with the thousand dollar “we’re sorry” discount.
- Obesity has become “morbid” and one out of every eighty-eight children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- 97% of Americans are sheep and 2% of Americans would like to keep it that way; .9% can think for themselves but only .1% will do anything about it.
Keep in mind:
- This is still the “greatest country in the world”.
Keep in mind:
- This is where you live...
If I could be anything, what would I be?
That would depend on the world that I see.
Politicians are snakes with suits as disguise.
Corporations drain lakes and fill them with slime.
Governments cover up scandals and stories.
All children want are fame and glory.
All of this done, for a stack of make-believe money.
Just because we think it keeps the world turning.
Those who can, do and those who don’t, teach.
What a great lesson to learn: Me, Me, and Greed.
Sometimes the thought is enough to make me ill.
“That’s okay, just swallow this pill.”
When I get asked: “What would you be?”
I think about this and more, solemnly.
As plainly as possible, I respond:
“I’d be an astronaut and blast the fuck off.”