Like Icarus & Lucifer I Failed
They had confidence.
They feared no consequence.
They had no idea it was about to happen.
But me, I did nothing and it had everything to do with my joy & laughing.
All, I had to do was homework but I was lazy.
And before I knew everything went crazy.
Like Icarus & Lucifer I had pride.
And most of the homework I chose to deride.
But my difference is I can change my mistake.
Lucifer & Icarus must spend eternity faced with consequences of risks that only take.
Lucifer was an angel & Icarus had wings.
They believed their abilities superseded all things.
It’s good to have confidence but pride is a sin.
It’s the ability to withhold your pride that makes you a great person within.
So yeah, like Icarus & Lucifer I failed.
So now I’m going to succeed by breaking out of the laziness in which I’ve been jailed.