I Write
Why do i write?
To let people know the pain that swirls in my heart
Because my enemies like to be mean, the reason for my pain, my start
Why do i write?
Because no one ever hears my voice in a crowded space
I had to learn that silence is my only friend, the only one to love my face, the only one that looks within
Why do i write?
To fill the empty void
Writing brings a smile to my face, while erasing my tears with those of joy
Why do i write?
Because music is just like a poem
Expressed alongside instruments and beats
Music that speaks directly to me
Writing calms me down
When I'm filled with anger or enough sadness that i could drown
Bullying, Poverty, Suicide, Dreams, God, Love are the stories poems tell
So why do i write?
To talk about the many tests of life
Things that I hope i do not fail