I Wish I Could Have Done It Sooner
I am on a flight from Charlotte,
where I return to my life on the other side.
Leaving a home away from home
that has stood the test of time.
The first week had me broken,
bawling in strife.
I yearned for a switch to turn off the night.
In my demise
I found comfort in ten strange lives,
teens like me,
who I got to know better in three weeks
then some of my close friends and family.
Friends and family
that had obscured my personality,
and made me someone I didn't want to be:
a cynical, critic corrupted with hate
a pessimist that should lose their faith in the human race.
there is life
beyond the gray walls of the city
and those that don't understand
are the ones I pity
I didn't believe
I was able to make changes
since I am just one lone girl,
but now I know
small actions can be truly couragous.
I've learned how much pain I could truly endure
that's why I know
I am capable
of so much more.