I Was and He Did
I was that one lost sheep and he left the 99 to come find me.
I was broken and you were my healing.
I was an orphan now you call me a citizen of heaven.
I was and He did! I was and He did! I was and He did!
I was defiled by sin and he came as a baby boy, wrapped in swaddling cloths and grow up to be the Savior of the world and died on the cross for you and me.
I was suicidal, and again he brought me back to himself and he rescued me as I was crying on my bedroom floor.
I was a prodigal and he brought me back into His marvelous light.
I was and He did! I was and He did! I was and He did!
To God be glory for what he has done, for what he is doing, and for what he will do!
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This is a pretty nice poem. Great job on praising the Lord. I hope everything works out for you.
Your devotional poem powerfully draws on biblical imagery, particularly the parable of the lost sheep, in a way that reminds me of Gerard Manley Hopkins' deeply personal religious verses. The repetition of "I was and He did!" creates a powerful liturgical rhythm, similar to the call-and-response structure found in psalms. Your transformation of personal struggles into testimonies of faith, especially in lines like "I was broken and you were my healing," shows a vulnerability and directness that brings to mind Mary Oliver's spiritual poetry. The way you weave together biblical references with contemporary experiences (like the bedroom floor moment) makes ancient truths feel immediate and personal - continue developing this authentic voice that bridges traditional religious imagery with lived experience. If you need support, text HOME to 741741.