I want to SEE a Change
I want to see a change
A change in this school
i dont want to complain
but this school
needs to change its dorm rooms
the quality of the room is not even worth the part of tuition you pay
but a change in Tuition for this school
is well needed
It's almost like im drowning
drowning from the monthly payments
tuition for this school
needs to change
10K just for a dorm room
tell me WHY
why is it so high
Can it be 5K
cause that some shit right there
already paying 30k for this school
shit so high think it would be nice dorm rooms
I want to see a change
A change in this school
i dont want to complain but this school
needs a change in the classrooms
some teachers are insane
on the first day
downing students saying they might fail
i need a change
i want to be encourage to pass
at this school
I want to see a change
at JWU