I want to feel nature.
I want to feel nature.
I want to take a trip to a deserted beach with white sand and clear water, no one but you and this beautiful expanse of land.
Or walk through a grove of trees in the autumn time, feeling the cold air bite you and seeing the red orange trees sway in the breeze right in front of you, like a dancing flame.
Seeing and feeling, that’s it.
I just want to lay down in that white sand and watch the sunset.
Watch the moon come out and the sun cower away in fear, as the sky changes from a purple orange to pitch black dotted with stars.
Like a war between the Gods of the sky.
I want to be able to look in water and see my reflection, barely visible by the delicate silver of the moonlight. No one understands these feelings I have.
These feelings I can only convey through explicit descriptions of beautiful scenery.
Emotions take form and paint these pictures in front my eyes.
I want to paint them in front of yours, too.