I See
I see what the meaning of life is; the meaning of life is to live. When you find something or someone to love, give them all that you can give. Despite what our forefathers told us, we're not all totally free. That's why you must know what the meaning of life is, and be all that you can be. I see what the meaning of life is, it may be different for you and for me. I believe that my mind is my soul and my temple; it shows me all that I care to see. My mind takes me to distant lands, helps me up when I'm down. My mind even helps me to do my homework, read books, and put on my nightgown. My mind tells me all that I ever must know, it gives me ideas and sight. So, I see what the meaning of life is, and nobody can deny that I'm right.
A college student. A woman. A waitress. A girlfriend. These are some of the things that I am. I'm agile, and dexterous, and capable, and kind. I see it in the palm of my hands.
My point is: I can be whatever I want. I can do whatever I please. I see what the meaning of life is. My brain tells me this with ease. Don't let anyone tell you what to live for, don't let society tell you what to think. Life is beautiful, yet short, and it sure goes by in a blink. Our generation was raised with a collection of values. (Propaganda disguised as values.) What do you truly value? What do you truly think? The correct answer is your skull and what lies beneath.
I see what the meaning of life is; the meaning of life is to breathe.