I Have a Dream
Imagine if in ten years we could all come together
Together as one without any separation of any kind
For there would be no color to tear us apart
The issue of religion would not be among us to only start problems
I have a dream
If we could push all those differences aside just for a second
Think of how much we would all be united
If only for a second we would all realize what we could accomplish together
We are our own enemies so let's push the negativity out of each one of us
I have a dream
Let us flip the switch to safety, happiness, and peace and never turn it off
We are all one kind so why should we live in fear of one another
To overcome hatred and be able to stand next to someone you do not know without judging them
To change people so they will not judge others just by an appearance
I have a dream
Eliminate the groups, eliminate the "clicks" and let us eliminate the preconceived ideas of one another
To tear down the walls of ignorance among all mankind
To be able to communicate with whomever and not worry about their social status
For everyone to have equality and our eyes would never again pick out people's differences
I have a dream
Let these problems between all of us dissolve into nothing
When we all come together and put the issues behind us
We have then become a united world and not only will my dream come true
But each and every tear will soak up, the fights will disintegrate, and peace upon everyone will exist
I have a dream