I Don't Know
We say
to release ourselves
we say
“I don’t need anybody.”
and we hope that somebody hears
so that they can fix the holes in our patchwork hearts
but I am always reluctant to give up the thread
the needle
but I need the drafts to be sealed
because the cold winds
blow harder everyday
Your goodbye
will feel like 60 moths
flapping their wings
butterfly kisses
Your voice stings
like the scratches
on my knees
when I fell
and kissed the ground
and let my skin breath
I miss your missing teeth
like broken piano keys
they play a sour sweet tooth
bittersweet euphony
have you ever felt the bones
in your face
and question why they’re there?
Maybe they just got lost
maybe our bodies don’t
define us
and maybe
one day
i’ll be able to look at you
and not get a stomach ache.
Your matches float up
and create the stars
trying to set the sky on fire
trying to burn the world
to the ground
but the flame goes out
and you start to cry
but not for me.
I hope the bats fly off your face
some day
and come find me
our dead bodies
our dead hearts
they stopped beating
on that monday
yours stopped
when I told it to
but mine
it began to swell
and grow with every one of your denials
with everyone of your cold shoulders
with everyone of your rambles
I think I’m just a daydream
I think I’m used
I think I’m spent
let’s bruise our knuckles
so it can be another thing we have in common
that line was not for you
you found my crux
and dug your way out
I drudged into your heart
scratching tik marks on the walls
until I was free
Interlaced between yes
and no
maybe I should have said go
instead of stop.
Right now
I am a just a hale storm
lightning bolt
rainy day
and everything
Jump into my goose bumps
call me poison
throw me at the moon
and maybe
I’ll like it there
Your home is not a lullaby
Where is your home?
you don’t have a home?
Is that what you say song bird?
You used me as a fire escape
the smoke blinded me
you ran
before I got a chance to
You see me as a forest
ready to be cut
and burned down
I see you as an ocean
ready to be drained
and I thought I saw a ghost
but it was just my reflection in the mirror
I have known too many ghosts
and let them trail
behind me
listening to their weeps
their wails
their regrets
I think you have become a ghost
You are my ghost.
But I hope to a god that I don’t believe in
that you don’t
haunt me.