I Don't Know
I don't feel like me.
I haven't felt like me in a long time.
It feels like I've left myself behind,
and there's no going back to find me.
I can't retrace my steps,
because that's not how life works.
You can't just backtrack to the past
to find the parts of yourself that you've lost along the way.
I kinda wish you could.
But no, I'm here,
right here and right now,
just me,
except I don't know who that is.
If someone asks, "Who are you?"
I have to answer "I don't know."
In my head, I want to answer with
"I'm a child of God",
or give my name or occupation.
But at this point, I'm having a hard time believing the former,
and sometimes I don't even know the latter.
What's my name?
My occupation is unknown to me right now.
I have nothing to define me
if I can't believe in God
and the truths he shows me.
The truths I can't seem to believe right now,
as much as I wish I could.
And it leaves me trapped,
stuck, broken,
with no clue what to do.
What am I doing?
Where am I going?
Why am I here?
What am I working towards?
Who am I working for?
When will it all make sense?
How will I know if I'm going the right way?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
What do I know?
You can probably guess the answer to that by now:
I don't know.
And until I can find some of the pieces that can help hold me together,
that show me who I am,
I'll answer the same.
Though at this point,
Will I ever find them?
Is it too late?
Am I a lost cause?
Did I leave too many pieces behind?
Is it hopeless to even keep trying at this point?
Can I be restored to my former self?
Can I become even better and stronger than my former self?
I. Don't. Know.
Maybe I never will.
Or maybe I will, and I'll wish I never found out.
Either way, I still don't feel like me,
and I'm hoping that someday I will again,
but when it comes down to it,
down to whether or not that hope will become a reality,
I don't know.