I Could Never Get It Right
I could never draw a picture to my satisfaction
The colors, texture, or shading
Never matched the image in my mind’s eye
I could see it as clear as day
A forest with tall trees, the plush moss covered ground
To the left, a beam of light dancing through the branches
Specks floating in illuminated areas
A bright shimmer from a stream
I could never get it right.
Or I would try to capture moments on film
I would experiment with angles and lenses
Setting up my posture to get the perfect take
To immortalize the beautiful picture I see
A sunset painting a snowcapped mountain
The purple, orange and pink soft hues mixing together
Against the sharp peaks and angles of the rocks
The shadows cast from branches
With the white snow as its canvas
I could never get it right.
After learning dance, I’d dabble with choreography
Borrowing movements from life
Turning my fingers and matching my arms
Connecting the rhythm and story to my chest and hips
Ending up in an awkward stumble of limbs
I could never get it right.
However, words seem to come so naturally
Words choreographed the scenarios I envisioned
Words built the film reel of my imagination
Words painted the canvas of my thoughts
And of course, I could never get it right.
But in a world of imperfection
And the lack of glove-fitting expressions
Poetry became my road and navigation
Even if, I can’t get it “right”.