I Closed My Mouth
I loved puppies and horses.
I loved people, laughter, and Cheesy Mac.
I was soft and round and,
The words they used were biting and sharp.
They cut me deeply.
So I retreated and huddled alone in my dark room. I became the darkness, and
I closed my mouth.
No one heard me. No one listened. The darkness inked my ears and tatooed my heart.
I painted with pain in bold, silent strokes.
I closed my mouth.
With your mouth closed you are protected. I was no longer soft and round.
I became a chiseled edge.
If I were still, I could barely feel my heart; my breath a whisper in the dark.
My closed mouth was a gash, a wound, an abomination.
I stopped feeding my brain, my heart, my body.
I became whippet thin, transparent to all but myself.
I closed my mouth.
My mirror brayed, "Soft, round, U-G-L-Y!" I closed my mouth.
You could not hear my mirror. You could not see my flesh hanging, hanging, hanging over my jeans.
I closed my mouth.
I screamed silently into the world. When I pushed you away, I secretly cradled you to my sharply edged bones.
The darkness did not claim its prize. I survived.
But the tatoo upon my heart remains.