I Can Only Imagine
I can only imagine what the day will be like, when I see Jesus face to face and see the one who came and died and rose again for me.
When I'm standing in your glory with just awe wonder that I can't even begin to fathom the joy that will fill my heart.
"I can only imagine when that day comes, when I walk by your side."
I cannot begin to grasp the depth of heaven’s glory, the unsearchable grace,
the mercy that flows like a river, a love so vast, my flesh can only call it absurd, but still, the truth will always remain.
I can only imagine what God do through Gen Z as we are stewards of God!
I can only even imagine when salvation will fill the streets; when hearts are being made whole; when people come to faith in Jesus Christ alone.
I can only imagine when the joy that fills my heart because will make an impact on this society telling about the joy, hope, and satisfaction that is only found in Jesus Christ alone!
I can only imagine.....
To God be the honor. the glory. the praise. the dominion and the majesty forever and ever!