I Bet You Don't Know
I Bet you don't know how some of us youths are trying
Consistently attempting to filter and rebirth the "already drugged" mind
whose views are confined to material wealth, sex and guns
I bet you don't know how some of us youth are struggling
Struggling to motivate the young females of our society
Because for them outer beauty is worth more than the internal treasure they possess
Long silky hair, seductive body garments, false eyelashes and makeup are on the top of their priority list
I bet you don't know how some of us youths are depressed
Because we are searching for love not knowing the magnitude of it's affects are rather benefical than harmful
Perplexed and broken we sit in the waterfall of darkness because all love meant was sex and external desires
I bet you don't know how some of us youths are scared
Because another gun has found a best friend
yes "best friend"
Because if a brother don't kill his calculated net worth is zero dollars and zero cents
I bet you don't know how some of us youths are desperate for a sense of direction
Because the society that we live in only seeks to disintegrate the very essence of our being
I bet you don't know.
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WHooaaaaa that is so mind blowing because young people like myself get so influence by all the wrong things . You help a lot of people understand what teenagers go though that its more then what meets the eye because life can be very difficult when other adults look down on you . Very powerful and inspiring message .I love this poem and enjoyed every word . Keep up the amazing work i would love to read more . You really opened my eyes about how this world can be that some people don't really now. Thanks for giving people that voice .
keep up the good work