Before I Begin
This one is dedicated to
The sons and daughters whose existence
Depends on three simple words:
It being them, them causing grief,
Grief defined as the pain that holds a
Noose of thorns around the
Dancing pound of meat in your chest
Cavity, clawing through your mucilaginous insides, leaving
Scars that Neosporin can’t heal.
This one is for my mother,
Who, at the glance of my drowning face,
Sees the love she lost.
This one is for my father,
Who, holding his and my breath in his brittle rib cage,
Can only witness his son burning alive in the hungry
Flames of self-doubt.
This one is for you.
You, the single deep wound
That bleeds the words
Not in any specific order.
More importantly, this one is for me.
I know you won’t read this.
Even if you do, like Rhett Butler,
You won’t give a damn.
At least not today.
After all, tomorrow is
Another day.
This is for the hope of another day.