I Am a Victim of Expired Medication
She was squatting on the dark
worn out
green bench.
Kids’ echoing laughs passed by.
Her head pointed up to the bright blue sky.
A loud giggle of a toddler squealed in the air.
Water trickled down to her chin.
No it wasn't raining.
It was the best weather ever.
Smoke coiled around her body, seeping out her mouth.
That it would soon be her noose,
she knew.
A woman coughed, and glared at her with the eyes of the murderer.
She was a reject.
Her left hand firmly choked the addicting,
poisonous bottle by its neck
But everyone was happy.
Then she tipped to the side,
and hit the concrete with an impact enough to shake the world
the world would shed tears
but they'd quickly sink into the earth
like the rain
Yet no one noticed a thing?
I heard a rattle,
like a harmless snake
My feet hovered over her
And I picked up a pill
It read.
There was too much left,
for it to be an overdose.
But it looked moldy, and stale.
So ugly.
Ah is that it?
Was it a mark of time that was rotting its core?
it was
very old.
Yet she was so similar
So similar...similar...
to me?