I am of the Privileged Race
My country is beautiful and free -
For those who are sheltered by white picket fences and white skin
My country believes in inalienable rights -
For a very select few who can prove themselves deserving
We pride ourselves in our immigrant heritage,
Telling stories of brave ancestors at Ellis Island,
But when given the opportunity -
We spit on and degrade those who do the very same today
Once a year, we honor the man who forged the Civil Rights Movement,
but his children and grandchildren are MOURNING
and we do nothing to help.
“He shouldn’t have talked back”
“He should’ve kept his hands where the officer could see them”
“He shouldn’t have worn a hoodie”
Not the man who is bleeding on the cold pavement.
Not the CHILD who has been shot to death.
ME - the one who allowed this to happen.
shoving the blame on someone else
The System.
We the privileged love that word
The system is so messed up
Nothing I can do about it.
This system functions on my privilege
It survives and feeds on my white feminism
Its cold claws dig into my back with pop of the car door lock
as we drive into the poorer part of town
we never think we are to blame
we are not racist
we have that black friend
we can’t be
we aren’t
Intersectionality without actuality is a word
hinging on no meaning
I live in a country that touts pride in diversity
without recognizing how many token minorities came here
In Chains
and live in chains today
I am the privileged race
I have powers I am unaware of
The power to end a life and suffer no consequences
The power to be assumed innocent
The power to keep my natural hairstyle
There are powers I will never use,
but that does not change the fact that they are there
I live in a country that grants me these powers
a privilege I earned through the color of my skin
I am trying to listen,
but my country drowns the voices of the oppressed
but no longer shall I shed a tear of white guilt
a waste of my time, and of yours
My tears are full of RAGE
I am angry with my government,
that will not listen or defend half of its people
I am angry with my neighbors,
who proudly display Confederate flags on their car
I am angry.
and I am still safe.
For my skin color tells me so.
I am the privileged race
and I have never known oppression
I have never known what it feels to lose
a son, a father, a brother to senseless brutality.
And I probably never will.
I do not want to speak over you
my problems are MEANINGLESS
Please, use my privilege to speak THROUGH ME.
I will be your stepping stone.
Not because you are weak,
but because you were born into a lower status in life
due to the color of your skin
This is not the time of the white savior.
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This is the time of the ally.