I am not flawed
A flaw is a mistake
That we cant seem to erase
You call them accidents
Ugly, mistakes, quirks, fouls on the play
But to me they are stories told in a play
My play
Where I am the star and the world is my stage
Because the victors write the story
As I write this I cry
Colorful tears
I am going to tear the Veil
Because I want to see paradise
See my teeth
The crooked too big buck like teeth
You told me I looked a mess
But through these teeth
Ive decided to change the world
See the glasses adorned on my face
They help to see the world
For all its hurts and it pearls
Warts and All flawed and less
See these hands a bit to small
They can reach through the cracks
Of the broken shields and walls
My flaws to you are my motivation
And someday I will change the world
I am
Pretty with purpose posture poise
Determined dedicated different
Brilliant beautiful bright
Confident, caring compassionate
I may seem flawed but I am not less
And these are my stories