I Am Nigga...

I am nigga....watch me bleed
The concrete of a cold street is the only resting place I'll ever know
You see, at nighttime, even my blood runs as black as me
I don't blame the black and white tinted eyes of the police if they can't see who they're shooting
I'd shoot me too if a shadow crept into my vision in the dead of night and I didn't recognize it as the holy white if God in my way
It's demonic so it must be slayed
I am nigga...hear me plead
My hands are up, don't shoot!
Help! Help! Is there anyone out there who gives a fuck about me?
This nigga's been following me, yet he's the innocent one
Got out of his car to pursue me, yet I'm the ignorant one
Tell me if you found this imaginary ass gun
My hands are up, don't shoot
I scream and it's the last thing I'll say before I'm as close to white as I'll ever be
That gun shot rang out and bullets speak louder than words so you probably couldn't hear me
I am nigga....speak to me
Don't follow up my death with silence,
Justify me!
I refuse to be another worthless nigga shot dead on the street because some trigger happy racist got too comfortable in his two sizes too big pair of authority
Save your silence for my memorial
Speak up, nigga
I can't hear you, nigga
What's your name, nigga?
Learn what it feels like to experience slavery on the opposite side
Let your guilt eat you from the outside in until there's nothing left of you but your ignorance
And when ignorance meets innocence you know who comes out on top
My knowledge should be my power but instead it's my demise
And your gun is your power and your bullets your knowledge
It never occurred to me to ask you why the only thing you know is how to shoot
It never occurred to me that you can see no evil and hear no evil and speak no evil
So why would you spare someone darker than you?


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