I Am An Emotionally Abused Child

I am an emotionally abused child.
I wonder about the day i leave.
I hear them yelling at me.
I see the anger inside them.
I want to run and flee.
I am an emotionally abuse child.
I pretend they are not there.
I feel so much pain.
I touch the scars on my wrists.
I worry that someone will see.
I cry when I am alone.
I am an emotionally abused child.
I understand that I am unwanted.
I say i do not want to go home.
I dream of someday being happy.
I hope they will leave me be.
I am an emotionally abuse child.



This is a very intense poem, made more so by the repetition of the title, and it speaks to an issue that many people struggle with. Bringing up the fact that sometimes children feel unwanted is something that more people should be aware of, and writing about it through poetry definitely can help people better understand this fact. You do a great job of sending a powerful message through your poem!


Thank you so much JWIENER i appreciate the comment. This poem expresses how i used to feel and how ive seen some people feel. Not many people are up to bringing up such a subject but i wish to help those who feel this way. Nobody deserves to feel this way at all. And then there are those who are afraid to speak up and I hope that some day my Poems will help those who are scared to speak up to do so and encourage them that there is more to life and there are people who understand and are willing to help.

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