I am beautiful
I am sweet
I am kind
I am friendly
I am nice
I am me and I can not be anyone else but me
I am temperate
I am the calm before the storm
I am easy to get along with
I am a lover, not a fighter
I am me and I can not be anyone else but me
I am Jamaican and African-American
I am proud of my heritage
I am 25 years old
I am a cancer
I am me and I can not be anyone else but me
I am loving person
I am loveable
I am a good listener
I am respectful
I am me and I can not be anyone else but me
I love my smile
I love my eyes
I love my hair
I love Me
I am me and I can not be anyone else but me
I am bold
I am beautiful
I am praise worthy
I am a Nubian Queen
I am me and I can not be anyone else but me
I am worth more than gold
I am everything that is all good
I am everything that is precious
I am me raw, uncut, and exposed
I am me and I refuse to be anyone else but me!