I am always with you!

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 01:45 -- Kassim


United States
40° 50' 17.7072" N, 73° 51' 23.7924" W

I am always with you
and even when you're far away my love is calling for you
you're always in my mind and heart and I will never forget you
I'm always missing you ,even when I am next to  you
I always miss you and my eyes are calling for you
and even if the world is surrounded by me i well still say my love I needed you
and if not return my heart that is with you,
my heart and soul is fallowing you
''precious love what I could do;nothing but call upon you''
and no matter what I'm always with you
you're my life , future and best destiny ,the last heart beats are calling for you
I'm always with you



Beginner but with deep feelings :),

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