I Am


United States
39° 46' 15.69" N, 86° 23' 18.0636" W

This is my unanswered question
I do not know who I will be
My profession, my career
My future is up in the air

My mind roams
Here I am, digging
Old bones telling their stories
Finding their place
Where children stare
All for my work

Off we go now
I am strong and sharp
My keen eyes find my target
I breathe and release
Now my people are free
And so am I

Venture further, deeper
We all sway to and fro
Misty air in my messy hair
Another siege successful
Honor brought to the name
And the flag flown from above

What am I?
Where does my passion lie?
I am nothing that I am
And I am everything

I can bend reality
Stretch everything you can see
I believe and I imagine
Writer, that is me.


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741