I Always Called It Love
Portfolio Of My I Always Did Call It Love Songs
Song One
I Always Called It Love
(When we met and got married)
You called it sex
I called it love
You always called it sex
I still always called it love
And it was one thing we never ever did agree upon
With you no longer there
You are still always on my mind
I still miss you
And this feeling that you cared
Whenever I find myself all alone in my lonely space
And this world once again feels like a lonely place
I find myself thinking about you and I two strangers
Our feelings for each other so new like two ltrue overs
And what we meant to each other
When the world out there couldn’t care less or bother
And all we had was each other
Every little things we did for each other
Felt like it was like love forever
And that somehow we were meant to belong together
With you in my life my life felt centerd and held meaning
With you in my arms it was a comforting feeling
And even on a cold winter day
This world no longer felt like a cold and lonely place
You called it sex
I called it love
You always said it was sex
I always called it love
And it was one thing we never ever did agree upon
With you no longer there
You are still always on my mind
I still miss you
And this feeling that you cared
Song Two
I Am So Into You
((Like You) - Moving in)
All I know for sure is that I am so into you
That it does not matter anymore
Where you came from or where you lived before
You leave me breahless and torn
And I became yours long time ago
And now you mean everything to me
All I know for sure is that I am so into you
I no longer know
But my heart and soul
I do know do not belong to me anymore
They probably became yours long time ago
And now you mean everything to me
In all my life I never knew some one like you existed
I never thought one day I will meet someone like you
And that one day you will come ito my life
And change my life like this
I am so mesmerized by you
I cannot take my eyes off of you
The way your lips move when you talk
I am so completely lost
I hang on to your every word
You are the sweetest thing I know
And I am so glad you came into my life
If only I knew love was supposed to feel like this
Like the entire world’s happiness is at my feet
Like I have met my long lost love
Now that I know how love feels
You tell me where we take it from here
And what the future holds for us
This heady feeling that I have when I am with you
So intoxicated in love
Like all my dreams have come true
I wouldn’t be surprised if one day
I couldn’t remember my very own name or where I am
I am that madly in love with you
All I know for sure is that I am so into you
That I couldn’t care less what your name is
And where you have been before
I got lost in every little thing
You have to say and do long time ago
And now you mean everything to me
All I know for sure is that I am so into you
I no longer know
But my heart and soul
I do know do not belong to me anymore
They probably became yours long time ago
And now you mean everything to me
Song Three
Baby I Am Simply Irresistible
(Sex all day long)
I maybe just a good time gal
With a great piece of ass
But you cannot call me a bimbo
You cannot call me a slut
I am someone you simply cannot resist
No matter how much it hurts
When I strike a sexy pose
You can’t help yourself but wanna get close
When I send you a flying kiss
You want to reach out and touch me like this
When I wear my thigh high boots
It shows the way you feel about me a point so mute
When I am all undressed
All you want to do is be right next to me and impress
When I am just out of my shower all soapy and wet
It makes you all hot and bothered and wanna sweat
When I shake my sexy ass
All you want to do is do me like I am your lass
When you see me in my short black dress slowly unzip
I am simply irresistible and make you flip
I maybe just a good time gal
With a great piece of ass
But you cannot call me a bimbo
You cannot call me a slut
I am someone you simply cannot resist
No matter how much it hurts
When I am in my skimpies with lace
You just want to grab me tight and hold me by my waist
When I uncross my legs
It makes you just wanna have sex
When you see my face flushed and all aroused
You cannot help youself but wanna do me inside out
When you feel my skin against your lips
I have you panting like a dog in heat without a miss
When you see my never ending long sexy legs
You simply have no choice but beg
When I am all naked in bed
All you want to do is jump my bones without giving it a rest
When you see me touch myself like this and moan your name
It makes you lose control and bring it home without shame
Not so easy and not so fast
You are not getting off so easy pal
I am not just a good time gal
With just a great piece of ass
And with a lot of sass
You cannot call me a bimbo
You cannot call me a slut
And you simply cannot resist me
No matter how much it hurts
Song Four
When I Am With You
(Falling in love)
(Moving In)
When you are this close to my heart
And feel the way you feel
I couldn’t help but fall madly in love with you
When you are this close to my heart
And feel the way you feel
I couldn’t help but fall madly in love with you
[Stanza 1]
I know you are not straightest guy in town
And if I had any sense
I know I should run away
But I don’t care what the whole world has to say
I cannot help feeling the way I feel about you
The way you make me feel when I am with you
I couldn’t help falling madly in love with you
And that is all I care about
The way you make me feel when I am with you
And that I know how much I love you
And true what do I know about love
All I know is the way you make me feel
When I am with you
I would rather not be anywhere in the world
But right here with you
True what do I know about love
But when you are this close to my heart
And feel the way you do feel when I am with you
I couldn’t help but fall madly in love with you
And I don’t know why
Ever since the very first time we met
It feels like I have known you all my life
When you look at me with those eyes
Even without your meaning to
It holds thousands of promises
And I simply melt
Promises of all the happiness in the world
That life has to offer
Of how life will be with you
And once again I realize how much I love you
And how life feels
When I am with you
And all I know is that I love you very much
And I would rather not be anywhere else in the world
But right here with you
When you are this close to my heart
And feel the way you do feel
I couldn’t help but fall madly in love with you
When you are this close to my heart
And feel the way you do feel
I couldn’t help but fall madly in love with you
Song Five
I Am So Glad I Stayed
(In love)
The way you hold me tight
In your big strong arms
It feels so right
I know for sure
It is where I have always belonged
And I am so glad I stayed
The way you smell
When you are right
Out of the shower
You feel so heavenly
I simply want to devour
Stop being such a tease
I simply melt in my knees
And I am so glad I stayed
The way your voice sounds
Early in the morning
It’s the sexiest sound around
And It's turns me on
And makes me never want to get out of bed
And spend all day long
With you right next to me
And I am so glad I stayed
When your cheeks rub against mine
Your morning stubble feels so divine
And I just want to cuddle
With you all day long (and everytime)
And make you mine
And I am so glad I stayed
The way you look
When you have just had your haircut
At the nook
And your tight t-shirt and your cute butt
You look so cute
Like you are all mine
My heart simply melts oh yeah you look so fine
And it is the sweetest feeling
I have ever felt
And I am so glad I stayed
The way you sweat in the gym
When you are working out
Like Brad Pitt
You look like the sexiest man alive
And I know I better watch out
Or my heart won’t stand a chance
To get out of it (in one piece) alive
Maybe it is begining of a sweet romance
And love anyway is about taking a chance
And I am so glad I stayed
The way your hot body makes me sway
Like I have no control over myself
On a hot desert day
I couldn’t fight it anyway
No matter how hard
I did ttry to run away
And to have you in my life this way
And I am so glad I stayed
The way you dance
I knew I did not stand a chance in hell
but fall madly in love with you
The very first time I met you
At sundance
And I am so glad I stayed
When you make love to me
It’s the sweetest feeling in the world
And it sets me free
And I don’t want to let go
And don’t wake me up if I am dreamin
And I am so glad I stayed
The way you smile
It makes me sway
Like it has a mind of it’s own
And I have absolutely no say
It tugs at my heart
And I am so glad I stayed
Song Six
The Way You Make Me Feel
(Happily married and settled in stage)
The way you love me
I cannot help but love you back the same way too
The way you feel about me
I cannot help but feel the same way about you too
The way you smile at me
I cannot help but smile at the way life feels
Whenever I am with you
This is what love must feel like
The way you make me feel when I am with you
The way you buy me dozen roses
When life feels like poetic proses
And nothing will cheer me up
Except for your strong arms around me
Holding me tight and that I belong to you
The way you hold me tight and kiss me
When I am mad and you tell me how much you miss me
And nothing will cheer me up
It feels good to have you in my life
As my rock I can always come home to
The way you comfort me by making me my favorite food
When I am feeling sad and in bad mood
And nothing will cheer me up
It soothes my soul on a lousy day
Which only your love can comfort me the way you do
The way you look at me when I am feeling sad
And tell me you will always be there for me no matter what
And nothing will cheer me up
I am so glad you came into my life
Because you are my Gaurdian Angel and the love of my life
The way you love me
I cannot help but love you back the same way too
The way you feel about me
I cannot help but feel the same way about you too
The way you smile at me
I cannot help but smile at the way life feels
Whenever I am with you
This is what love must feel like
The way you make me feel when I am with you
This is what love must feel like
Becaue I am so in love with you
Song Seven
If Only You Had Stayed
(Growing apart)
When I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes
And feel your lips on my lips
And a smile crosses my face
When I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
When ever I am at this familiar place
And I wonder how it would have been
If that night you had stayed
Whenever I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
And how it would have been
If that night you had stayed
That summer that we spent together
Where we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other
Spending every moment together
Having the time of our lives
Before we went our separate ways
I often wonder how would it have been
If you had stayed
When I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes
And feel your lips on my lips
And a smile crosses my face
And I wonder how it would have been
If you had stayed
[Stanza 1]
When I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes
And feel your lips on my lips
And a smile crosses my face
Whenever I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
And how it would have been
If that night you had stayed
Would you and I have been completely into each other
Oblivious to the world where no one else mattered
Meaning everything to each other
Like two people who belonged together
Would you and I have been best friends
That I would have loved sharing my life with
That I loved coming home to every single day
Would you have been my confidante
That I liked sharing my deepest secrets with
When l was having a rough day
Would you have been my soulmate
Where we would have there for each other
A shoulder to lean on
When this world was being a cold harsh place
Would you and I would have been in love with each other
Just like that summer
Where we could not keep our hands off of each other
Hanging on to each others every word
Madly in love forever
No matter what life sent our way
If that night you had stayed
When I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes
And feel your lips on my lips
And a smile crosses my face
When I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes
And feel your lips on my lips
And a smile crosses my face
Whenever I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
And how it would have been
If you had stayed
I often find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes
My lips on your lips
And a smile crosses my face
I often find myself thinking of you
When ever I am at this familiar place
And I wonder how it would have been
If that night you had stayed
Whenever I am all alone
I often find myself thinking of you
And how it would have been
If you had stayed
That summer that we spent together
Where we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other
Spending every moment together
Having the time of our life together
Before we went our separate ways
I often wonder how would it have been
If that night you had stayed
I often find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes
My lips on your lips
And a smile crosses my face
Song Eight
And What’s Love Anyway
Sometimes in this world of many
You meet someone
Who feels like your destiny
It feels like love from the very start
And down the road only to find out
It was not meant to last
And you ask yourself
And what’s love anyway
When it does not last forever anyway
Like it was supposed to last
No matter how hard you try to make it stay
So why waste time over my broken heart
When love does not really last
And why call it love anyway
When love’s not meant to last forever anyway
{Stanza 1]
I am no Einstein
Laws of physics is not my dance
But It does not take a genius
To figure this one out
About love and romance
Love is not just once in a lifetime
And your only chance
Your only romance
To find love of your life
And happiness that comes by your side
As the only one sealed and dealed
And sent our way
It is not just about one
And only one love
And one and only one chance
But in this life
To give your heart another chance
To feel romance
And to feel it in different ways
In several different ways
Of beautiful people who will come into your life
In this life’s journey
That we call life
At different points in different ways
In several different ways
And again a brand new chance at romance
And to define love once again
As a new happiness you feel in your life
In a sweet new beautiful way
[Stanza 2]
I am no Einstein
And laws of physics is not my dance
And it does not take a genius
To figure this one out
About love and romance
To my broken heart
Which still sobs over love lost
Over love that has gone estray
To my aching heart
Which refuses to heal
From a wound that feels too deep
This is what I have to say
Why be this broken anyway
To my broken heart
Which still sobs over love lost
Over a love that has gone estray
To my aching heart
Which refuses to heal
From a wound that feels too deep
This is what I have to say
Why be this broken anyway
Once again I find myself
Consoling my broken heart
Which refuses to listen to reason
And feels so broken
That hurt won’t go away
To pick up the pieces
And move on
It’s not that life does not give you
A second chance
And a new romance
To feel whole new love
In a whole new way
And not just only one opportunity at love
That was sent sealed and dealed our way
So why be this broken anyway
In this life you do not get
Only one chance at romance
Is not what life and destiny
Has planned
For us anyway
In this world of many
We are destined to meet few and not just one
Who were created just for us
To start life as brand new
To meet someone new
As someone new to meet along the way
And not just one single chance at romance
Sent sealed and dealed our way
Sometimes in this world of many
You meet someone
Who feels like your destiny
It feels like love from the very start
And down the road only to find out
It was not meant to last
And you ask yourself
And what’s love anyway
When it does not last forever anyway
No matter how hard you try to make it stay
So why waste time over my broken heart
When love does not really last
And why call it love anyway
When love’s not meant to last forever anyway
[Ending Chorus]
I am no Einstein
Laws of physics is not my dance
But It does not take a genius
To figure this one out
About love and romance
Sometimes in this world of many
You meet someone
Who feels like your destiny
It feels like love from the very start
And down the road only to find out
It was not meant to last
And you ask yourself
And what’s love anyway
And you ask yourself
And what’s love anyway
Song Nine
Ashes Left Behind
It was a cold winter night
Miles and miles of snow and ice
Eerie silence like a deafening noise
Not a single soul in sight
I could feel the chill in my bones
Everything lost and long away from home
What used to be a castle of my relationships of love
All turned out to be lies and this cold dense fog
And just ashes now left behind
Of what used to be my life
And full of hurt and pain inside
And what I no longer can call mine
Like hell hath no fury
On this cold lonely wintery night
Far away I could see a glimmer of light
Coming from a bonfire burning far away in sight
As I got closer I could see
Another lonely soul just like me
His soul hurting just like mine
Reminding me of a familiar face from some other time
Like he had also lost everything in this world
I wondered to myself
What brought him here
To this God forsaken place tonight
Not meant for a soul to wander
On this cold winter night
Was it something like my story
Of life just happening
Where every person of your life
Turned out to be the same old story
All it took was one single spark to ignite
And your world came crumbling apart
And all your meaningful relationship’s
And all your hard work gone in one single night
And one strong breeze is all it took
To break these bonds which I mistook
For love and strong that I had always treasured
As rarest treasures of my life
Turned out to be nothing but weak bonds
Held together by weak threads
And the havocing storm of my life
And you realize that in this life
Love is a two way street
It is not always about your religion
But also the religion on the other side
And then you wonder once again what is it about love and life
Something that felt so right
Why was it not meant to last
Is it previous karma or distant past
Why is it that he sends them your way
As sadness that I feel in my heart
That refuses to go away
And even the tears had run dry and few hurt
That never should have happened
And no more words left to say
As I got closer it looked like a familiar face
From distant past a stranger I used to know
Long ago
And could not completely get out of my mind
And let go
No matter how hard I tried
This nagging feeling like I had known him for a long time
From some other place some other time
This familiar face
That I just could not place
As I moved closer to him I wondered
What was this pull that I had towards this stranger
Like I have known him for a long time this lone ranger
All alone just like me on this lonely night
With silent tears rolling down my eyes
Desperately wanting to hold on to something tight
What was it that drew me to him
Like two strangers
Who have known each other
For a very long time
And all of their lives
Or maybe it was just two lost souls
Lost in this lonely crowd
Who had lost everything in this world
And not even a shoulder to lean on or cry
Trying to make sense of this cruel world
Where even the love of your life
Turned out to be your bankruptcies
As he looked up at me and smiled
I was lost forever in his eyes
I realized he was a familiar face from my past
Long time ago of love lost
We had once known each other
And had gone our separate ways
Here we were once again
After all these years
It’s like life telling you it had come to a full circle again
And once again life had thrown us together
Into each other’s arms is it forever
Like two strangers
Who had got lost in this bustling world
In this confusing journey called life as it unfolds
Some where along the way who had lost their way
About two people who always belonged together
About two people who were always meant for each other
Meant to kiss each other’s pain away
Song Ten
The Way You Come Into My Dreams
(Moving on and falling in love with yourself)
The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me too
And the way I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me too
Without my even knowing it
He somehow stole my heart from me
This stranger I think about all the time
Feels like I have known him for a long time
He comes into my dreams all the time
And makes me feel like he is all mine
One day come into my life
And steal me from me
The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me too
I did not even see it coming
And now my heart no longer belongs to me
This stranger I cannot take my mind off
Feels like I have known him for eternity
He comes into my dreams all the time
And makes me feel like he is all mine
One day come intp my life
And steal me from me
The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me too
Never in my wildest imagination
Had I ever thought it would be about you and me
This stranger who has become very close to me
Feels like I have known him all along
He comes into my dreams all the time
And makes me feel like he is all mine
One day come intp my life
And steal me from me
The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me too
And the way I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me too