The Hunting Party
Terrifying noises
Chase me from my home
But as I run away
Faster still they come
Their henchmen are behind me
Nipping at my heels
Their howling voices snarling
How each of them feels
The heat of their breath
Seems to burn my feet
And from their mouths to my nose
Wafts the stench of rotting meat
Closer still they gather
Each baying their deadly song
And as my muscles weakened
I wondered how I could go on
Thicker forest ahead of me
Give me hope to get away
Their master’s fear of darkness
Seemed to always hold sway
With an extra burst of speed
I finally pull ahead
Only to hear whizzing shots
Flying past my head
I’m almost in the forest
When the last few come
And as one tears through my flesh
I stumble forward, dumb
Why did I go through this,
Why did I even run?
Because when the humans hunt you
It’s over before it has begun.