Hunter of Success
Everyday I wake up thinking it's a brand new day
But things are the same, it never seems to change
Time flies by and my money waves good bye..
I believe in God even though I do not see him with my own two eyes
My faith extends within the depths of me internally
While I slowly cry for forgiveness of my sins
I Know the devil is a lie, but as long as I'm alive pain seems to stand by
Draining me in every walk I take
I still stand up straight
And run the same road that I call Great
I KNOW success awaits me
But I can not be alone, because for every bone that keeps me standing
God makes it KNOWN that it will happen
I will not let the temptations of the enemy affect my journey
And knowing my purpose of who I am in Christ
In ALL of my heart I know that as long as I'm holding GOD's hand
It's a promise that I will make it to the greater end
I'm aware of my "Imperfections"
I KNOW that I will never be PERFECT
But who are you to point them out?
Like they are dirt on the ground
These same IMPERFECTIONS will recognize my prescence and
You too will make it through because I promise you