
Can a blossom be so sweet--As a cherry on a tree?

As the sand under your feet--As you're wading on the beach?

When we live each day like we're going to live forever, then what is the point in living at all?

Why do we wear this facade--Or hide our face with this mask of artificiality?

Why do we cover our true nature with sarcasm?

When we have twisted humanity into something unnatural, then we shouldn't even be classified as animals.

We are monsters... wearing a very thin disguise.

We believe we are right, but in a world where we do not even know how we came to be, how can we know right from wrong?

The lie is thick, but the truth is painful.

If causing pain is wrong, then should we lie?

If lying is wrong, then what are we to do?

We live on top, but we are no better than the scum we scrape off our sole.

We kill in vain. We rape of more than just innocence, but sanity. We fight our own flesh and blood. We harm the different and desecrate the unknown.

There is no trust in this world.

We are cruel, uncaring beings.

Corrupting a pure world and still charging for it's all as if we deserve the very breath we rip from the trees.

Among a world of violence and death, hurricanes and ice-age.

Mother Nature is no match for HUMAN-KIND.

What haven't we tainted wit hour twisting of reality?

What haven't we killed with our weapons of mass destruction?

What can't we destroy?

We are what a God would never create.

And that... that is what makes us so unique. 









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