The Hug
The day finally came
The one when you have to say “see you in a few months”
Normally, it would be “see you tomorrow”
Except she’s moving an hour away
And you’re going 645 miles north
You both knew
You would never end up at the same school
And surprisingly,
You were the ones okay with that
You both have different
Passions, dreams, plans
But the one passion you share is the need for success
The one dream you share is for the other to accomplish theirs
The one plan you share is to never let each other go
So after one last day of fun
You stare at each other
Neither wanting to give the other THE hug
The one that means I’ll only see your face on a screen
I won’t hear your laugh everyday
I won’t give you another hug until Thanksgiving
Finally, we both cave
It lasts longer than any we’ve had before
Remembering everything
Stories we’ll take to our graves
Inside jokes no one else will ever understand
Movies that will always be our favorites
But both of us know it’s not the end
Not even close
We flash forward to
More graduations
Dream jobs
Maid of Honor positions
Becoming godmothers
Growing old and having wheelchair races
This might be a hard four years apart
But by no means
Is this hug “goodbye”