How I was introduced.
My name is Renee, consoled by my thoughts, or so I thought.
I take words and create to poems, the power within them stays a mystery.
I write to express, to heal, to relieve.
I write to touch souls, and to retrieve lost memories.
I was introduced by lyrical geniuses, who took words and added rhythm, in which created a vision.
Listening, to songs, with different meanings with in them.
If they could write and express how they feel, instead of bottling up thoughts, ideas or feelings against their will, Then I could to-
It opens up the mind, and proves what I am capable to do-
I can speak, I can speak in ways one could not speak before.
I could write, with out being judge for what I put upon paper.
I can be who I want to be with out society telling who I am, what I am, and what I should be.
Writing is release, like when you release a puppy of a leash, they run free.
They run free, and thats what writing did for me.