How To Be Happy
“I am happy"
Happier than an orphan who is adopted on Christmas
And later returned to his previous conditions;
"The hope was all I needed"
Happy like a father who raises a daughter
That was never his— blessed to have any kids.
"I smile like a soldier"
After losing one too many brothers who tastes victory;
Enough for every one of them.
Happiness is a perspective.
Our eyes see,
But our thoughts act as the lenses.
Imagine blessings in place of stresses.
Seek enough, not excess.
Experience inner peace in depression.
Every obstacle is a lesson.
Exhale worries and feel the weight lessen.
Taking one step back means taking two forward,
Not regression.
Happiness is a perspective and to be happy
We must change our lenses.
By Hamza Yammout