On the horrors of war

Like a car,
ran out of fuel,
All around you,
Harsh as hell.
A family of soldiers,
walking shoulder to shoulder.
The world,
you are carrying,
just like a boulder

Away from the madness,
But not going anywhere.
tomorrow you know,
You'll be back there,
the best thought.
And to go home to england.
You can't escape the chaos,
in afghanistan.

are a zombie,
In indescribable pain.
And know,
you might never
see your family again.
all sense gone
from you.
But then,
you seem to know
what's happening around you.

You want
to collapse and fall,
into a sleep,
And dream,
because reality,
has cut you too deep.
we've fulfilled
our purpose here.
before the gas
fills the air.

It's horrible
seeing someone
slowly dying for you.
It's like,
a hole in your heart.
Slowly eating away at you.
you see is,
his teffified face, red and hot.
It's only,
then you realise,
this nightmare must stop.

A fog but as majestic,
as a fairy tale.
A plane,
flying through clouds,
that are green pale.
He's stumbling,
towards you,
and it hits home.
A stab,
in the back that,
he'll never go home.

His skin,
wrinkled and pale,
oxygen deprived.
He says,
It's like a fire,
that's burning inside.
Could you,
watch a good man,
who fought for his nation,
Because you know,
there's nothing to save him.

You want,
to collapse and fall,
into a sleep.
And dream,
because reality,
has cut you too deep.
we've fulfilled,
our purpose here.
because the gas,
fills the air.

the tears come,
down and down.
But you don't,
try like men do,
to stop then now.
How much,
could you bear,
or even dream
to think,
what it's like,
out here as me?

People say,
its the best
to die in this way.
But you,
know all too well,
that there's better ways.
He's just,
another soldier out of
millons dying that you see.
A nightmare.
But wake up boy,
this is reality.
On the horrors of war.


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