The Horizon


United States
41° 11' 50.4564" N, 74° 45' 25.614" W

The horizon becomes distinct as the light of dawn emerges,
splintering through the milky, lustrous clouds.
Frost clings to the shingles of the rooftops,
blending subtly with the hues of skies above.
Birds dart swiftly in between houses to nestle in their nests and feed their young.
A man stands on his stoop while stretching leisurely,
peering vacantly beyond the climbing sun.
He wonders for a moment, what the day will bring,
as it still remains yet to be determined.
He has rested well and wakes to greet the day with a temperament of confidence and ease.
With a great extended yawn, shallow tears begin collecting in his creased and squinting eyes, creating distortions of thin and trickling water-color visions.
Overcome by silence,
he lingers for an instant,
wishing all may just continue undisturbed.


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