Hopeful Eyes
On my hands and knees I pray
For this world to see a new, brighter day.
Not with the eyes of humans we should see,
But with the eyes of how it was meant to be.
Open hearts and heavy eyes,
In search of something to cover all our lies.
We live in a world that is no longer perfect...
Suspect, neglect and disrespect.
We think high of some, and low towards others,
The world was meant to be seen in colors.
We were all created for a purpose, a reason
There's no need for depletion.
What happened to the world that was made for us?
We've created such a fuss...
Anger, and hatred toward one another,
What about, "Honor thy father and mother?"
We were meant to live in unity,
Yet we've suppressed peace at any given opportunity.
We take things for granted and discriminate,
Never do we appreciate.
Appreciate what was given before the destruction began,
Love, kindness, selflessness, and forgiveness are what God gave to man.
On my hands and knees I pray
For this world to see a new, brighter day.
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On my hands and knees I pray
For this world to see a new, brighter day.
Not with the eyes of humans we should see,
But with the eyes of how it was meant to be.
Open hearts and heavy eyes,
In search of something to cover all our lies.
We live in a world that is no longer perfect...
Suspect, neglect and disrespect.
this two lines caught my attention
very truthful and full of life
great job in writing