Hope For Our Dreams

There has to come a day
when all dreams fade away,
we hold onto them tight
but they’re gone after the night,
once the day seems to prevail
in their everlasting fight.

Our childish innocence
turns into common sense,
we want to play and have fun
but once the day is done,
our mind over our heart
says this is better in the long run.

Is there hope for all our lives?
That maybe someone will hear our cries?
inside ourselves we plead
that someone will understand our needs,
all that we are asking
is for someone fit to lead.

But the choice is ours to make
to determine what is real and what is fake,
the future is ours alone
so we journey off to the unknown,
with a wary mind and a well-trained eye
to set the path and pave the road.


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