Broken glass, shattered dreams, words of discrimination shout from all sides
Hundred vioces telling you "No" but one "Yes" from God gives you hope to press on
It can never be taken away from you.
Mothers and Fathers dying to soon. Children growing up too fast with on clue of what to do, but God's guiding hand pulls them through with that mentor or grandparent helping them
Losing your job and the rents due, they threaten you with vioces of coal burning at your soul. Crying out in your home with no electricity asking for a drop of grace f
Your grace, a job comes and now all is well for the Good Father always takes care of His child
Acceptance is what every being whats and craves for man was not created to be alone
Torn between doing what you know is right and what others say is right
Do you sacifice yourself to put on a mask to be accepted or do you turn your back and say "follow me"?
For what good is it that a man gains the whole world but lose his soul?
It is good to know that God has give you an identity that you are a Royalty and that who you are is who you are meant to be. Everything is Awsome when God gives you hope that no one can take away.
Hope is why we press one