
Families are reunited here,

And couples can live without fear.

Houses are free from the damages of bombs.

Babies are snug safetly with their moms.


Bright faces lay upon piles of toys.

There is no need to fear terrorist ploys.

For families not use to such joy,

It's their spirit the evil cannot destroy.


I consider myself luckiest of all-

For the ability to watch the ball.

These people are given shelter in my hometown.

I feel pride for those who breakdown-

The barries that divide us-

And welcome all who seek refuge from the violence.


To feel empathy for those who society chooses to disregard,

Is to save our world from becoming a graveyard.

Let us all choose love over hate,

or our demise we surely create.


It makes me happiest of all to be able-

To show that all are welcome at God's table.

This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world


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