Hold Me Close, Love
Unlike me
you prefer the cold
to the heat
Hold me close, love
You prefer the cold
I remain to shiver
Hold me close, love
and I will be warm
I remain to shiver
keep your arms wrapped around me
and I will be warm
I'll forever love you
Keep your arms wrapped around me
Let go of your uncertainties
I'll forever love you
I'll be your shelter
Let go of your uncertainties
You prefer protection
I'll be your shelter
to the heat
You prefer protection
Unlike me
to the heats
Hold me close, love
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Very creative use of your lines! I missed your pattern the first time I read this, but found it during the second. I really wonder about your cold/heat metaphor. I can't help but think that it may be something personal to your relationship with your previous/current love. Either way, this poem comes off very light, as if you're floating on a cloud (of love). You've created a strong atmosphere in this poem andthat is what makes it a great poem.