No it’s not “Ha-mong” it’s “Hmong”
The “H” is silent so get it right
We don’t come from China or say ching chong
So don’t make assumptions on where we’re from
Don’t act like you’re interested and don’t you step all over my people
I admit that we are a small community
To be exact, the minority.
But our love for each other is more than you could imagine
My people fought in the war
Our families torn apart and kin turned upon each other
Children and spouses split up
Not knowing when they’ll ever meet again
Husbands and older brothers off to war, never to return
We treaded through deep waters as bullets whizzed past us
The few who had managed to escape finally made it
To America
Land of the free and one with dreams,
That one word that resonated within our ancestors
But that isn’t the only sad part, oh no, there’s more
The children of today are ashamed of being Hmong
They lose their mother tongue, mixing it up with the English language
All because of a single word and action from a person
“English is my first language” the Hmong children say
But that is just a facade to cover up who they truly are because of society
They don’t realize how important they are
For the people who dare to speak badly about us
And mimic us before thinking
Educate yourself before you start a conversation with me about my people
And for all the Hmong people who read this, I hope you know that
You shouldn’t be ashamed of your culture and who you are,
You are loved
We may not have a homeland to go to
But don’t let that stop you from building your own home where you stand
And one last thing,
It’s “Hmong”, NOT “Ha-mong”