the history of us

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 21:09 -- mmb_321

Sideways glances and shy smiles turn into tiny conversations and soon turn into running into each other at the small coffee shop on the corner and sharing headphones and songs and then secrets and then that first leap of hope and soon there are beautiful flowers and movie dates and nights gazing at the stars and sweet kisses and then one day you kissed her lips and returned with red lipstick smudging the corner of your bare lips and he seems to avoid you after that unless he needs a drag on your love, he wants fire but all you have to ofer are futile sparks and one day he closed his heart off with yellow crime scene tape regardless of your whispers and your broken cries, one bad day leads to many apologies and beautiful flowers and all is well until it happens over and over and over again and you feel dead like those first flowers he gave you and the bruises turn violet on your pale skin, you always seemed to relish sucking in the nicotine but it never healed the scars that you both left on your skin, so one day you decided that a rope was your new nicotine, it became as knotted as your stomach every time you approached it, and one day you didn't have to tie it again.

This poem is about: 
My country
Our world


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