stepping into the demons palace.

elastic tongues wrapping around each other.

Unsanitary bodies sticking like  velcro straps

Tempted everyday from ignorant teens,

listening to ignorant slurs shoot from their

shotgun mouths

I’ve had it! Reckless clans

and stuck up divas, bopping down hallways

loud and obnoxious, soon to fall into the demons trap.

classes surrounded by pregnant bellies

destroying life for themselves.

understanding that pregnancy will

conquer the school and im stuck


waiting for the pitchforks to release me.

Im done trying to teach people that we

are  shards of broken glass.

With every cut and tear i endure from trying

to repair what we should be,

the demons making me his worker

i now understand that elastic tongues will latch

and swollen bellies will soon crowd this place

leaving no room for me .

i wont fix these broken shards.

my cuts are way too deep.



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