High Fantasy
I’m an old book
My spine is bruised and cracked
My cover is hard and carved with an intricate design
My pages are dog-eared and worn
Torn out and tossed away
Words are highlighted,
Scribbled out, scratched out,
I tell of knights and dragons
And Wood-Elves and goblins
And sometimes ordinary girls who stay up too late
I tell of visits to New Orleans
And screaming, jumping, feeling at concerts
And sleeping until 1 pm on your friend’s chair because there’s only one bed
And going to Wal-mart at one in the morning just to get cheese-filled pretzels
I tell of running through the forest in your best friend’s backyard and cutting your foot on barbed wire
And not even noticing until you get back home because you were having fun as only children do
I tell of going to the Fox River late at night and watching the moon and the stars on the ripples
And of a girl who goes to the library every weekend to read, sometimes 10 books at a time!
I tell of United States History and English Four
Of Psychology and Biology and even Interior Design
Printed inside my back cover is a map
Full of “wilderlands” and portals to whatever story I am
When someone decides to read