hiding between the lines

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 17:50 -- Ari

It’s hidden in these lines
Anyone can see
My secrets, hidden in these very words
About a girl, who picked up a pen, a quill, a keyboard, little bits of chalk
Free for just a moment from her fear
Remembering every mistake
And just for once letting them go, hiding them
In her secret code, where everybody could see, but none would know
Don’t ever forget what these lines have to say
Only the title might have given it away
For every moment of my life this poem will free
Today I’ll let these words go on the breeze
Here my secret has been shown
Everyone may see, but none know
For you see this is my reason to be, my reason to write
Unable to tell you these things, I will hide
This poem is my clue, please can’t you guess
Unbidden the memories attacked
Red pen bleeding into the margins of my stories, my life
Erasing everything but the next word


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