The grass stabs at my feet with frost-covered blades.
It hurts, but I’m already numb from the air.
Even in my numbness, I know the path too well
To a little old pond, no bigger than a house
The sunless sky is reflected in the still, dingy water,
Making it appear bottomless, it's become a void of darkness.
Dreary, murky, and frowzy, the water is.
Although its unwelcoming atmosphere is its most charming trait.
Quiet, still, and forever is this pond.
Forever I hope it stays.
Even in drought, or in times the air is heavy like honey
It’s still here, never changing
Enshrouded in a forest, its only purpose is to nourish
To nourish the body and the soul
It’s a place where the animals only come to drink
A place to rest in undisturbed peace
It’s been here longer than me,
I don’t remember when I found it
And will last longer than I
For it is not alive
This place I see often
Too often, but sometimes I need a place to sink
To not exists for a moment
To pretend I’m nothing