The Hidden War
Nobody knows you're dying inside but you.
The appearances and facades you put on to the world
only mask what's inside and hide it from everyone,
including yourself,
someday someone will see through them,
and you'll have to admit the truth,
starting with yourself.
Saying, "This is my struggle.
This is my fight.
I'm trying to win it,
but I'm being beaten down."
That war may lead to death,
or it may lead to life.
It all depends on what you do with it,
and if you're willing to risk taking off the mask,
despite everyone seeing the truth.
If you keep the mask on,
even when people try to help you take it off,
you're bound to either give up the war you've been fighting
and end your life here and now,
or you'll do something to change your life
and start becoming yourself,
slowly taking off the masks.
Nobody knows your struggle but you,
and you have the power to choose
whether to keep that struggle to yourself until it kills you
or share your battles and work with people
who love and care about you
to defeat those demons inside of you.
The fight's not over
until you say it's over,
either by accepting defeat,
or by fighting until you overcome.