Here's to You
Here's to the kids,
Those who can still feel free.
Untrapped by this world and its cages
Those who still believe in liberty
Here's to you
Here's to the kids,
The one's who are nothing but happy,
Those who know nothing yet of the sorrows in life,
Who believe in the goodness of everyone
Here's to you
Here's to the kids,
The ones who believe in superheroes,
That will come and save them from any injustice.
They believe good will always truimph
Here's to you
Here's to the kids,
The ones one who still dream
They are not afraid to take a chance,
To spread their wings and fly
Here's to you
Here's to the ones
Who never had a chance to be a kid.
Life has forced them to grow up too soon,
They never got to enjoy the innocence of youth.
I'm rooting for you kid,
Here's to you