You said forever
I guess you didn't mean it
You went for my best friend
What happened to loyalty?
She likes you too
It hurts but if you're happy leave
Go be with her, please do
She's cute, so pretty, she's perfect isn't she?
Wait this supposed to be about you...
You're the one who broke me
Do I like her too?
These feelings are too confusing
These emotions strong, I'm gonna hurl
You used to be my world but what about her?
She's been here looking so beautiful
As I'm sitting here crying over you she's here to comfort me
Fuck why is this so painful?
I'm tired of this should I tell her?
I don't know... I'm fearful
God I'm gushing
She's so damn colorful
I know she's bi, she came out to me
I guess I'm really trustful
But is it still worth the risk?
What if she thinks I'm shameful?
Now my main question:
Do I really want her?
Or you?