Help Me Help Me Please!!

I sit in the classroom listening to a long drawn out lecture

Time seems to go by like a snail running a race

But wait, say that again, I think I’m confused

Please repeat what you said, I’m sorry but I don’t understand

Pay attention you say, but see I have been for the past hour

The one time I ask a question you feel as if I interrupted your lecture

Um, isn’t that your job, do you not get paid for this?

But wait, I stopped by your office for help

You merely gave me a sloppy answer to my question and rushed me out

Are you really here to help if you don’t want to answer my questions?

Are you so high and mighty now because your salary could buy me a new car?

Don’t you see, I pay your salary in my efforts to get an education

I just want to be taught and the right answers to my questions

All the attitude is unnecessary and no one deserves to be talked down to

Just tell me one last thing, are you in this profession for the right reasons?

Or are you just getting a check to pay the bills?


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